New Suppliers Invited

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For inquiries regarding new transactions, please fill in the necessary information in the company profile form below and return it.

* Required

1. Please explain your company.

Company name*

Address of headquarters*

Major product*

Main customer

Representative name

Company establishment years

The capital

Number of employees

Annual sales

2. The person in charge.

First name*

Last name*


Telephone number*

FAX number


3. Please explain the product.

Commodity to be dealed

If all information is correct, please press "Confirm" button below.

  • To present the answer, We might get time. It may take extra time to receive an answer in some cases. Inquiries arriving on Saturdays, Sundays, the New Year holidays (December 29 - January 3) or other holidays will be checked the next business day or thereafter.
  • We might not be able to reply your inquires.